Hello! At long last, I have started back on the path of fun food stuff and with that comes a new home base so please come check out The Culinary Creative on Wordpress.
Big favor to ask, for those who subscribed to TCC on blogspot, will need to have you re-subscribe on Wordpress. There is a box on the right side where you can easily do that. I hope you will continue to follow me.
In the process of moving everything these past few weeks I realized that over the past eight years, TCC has put out some sweet stuff (and not just meaning desserts) that even I had forgotten about.{There has been a lot of drooling going on lately.} So I think in the new fad tradition of TBT, TCC maybe re-featuring some dormant recipes, so stay tuned for those.
Again, many thanks for your patience these past few months. It feel great to be back in cooking mode and I look forward to having you join me for this next phase of The Culinary Creative.
See you soon!