Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And now, for something a little different...

Here at the Culinary Creative, we believe in instructional blogs. And while other blogs might be afraid to show you how it gets done, we like to push those boundaries. So for those of you who have never witnessed, but always wondered, what really happens to children's birthday cakes, here a tale of sugar and destruction to satify your morbid curiosity.


Step 1: Take a cake, say a pumpkin bear cake.

Step 2: Present the sugary concoction to a "Birthday Party" (hereforto referred to as the BP) for evaluation.

Step 3: The BP will first assess the cake for tactile resistence to manual manipulation.

Step 4: Then the BP, though a means of grab and taste, will determine how best to move forward in their deconstruction efforts.

Step 5: In this instance, by a means of raking and massaging in a downward motion, the BP has decided to maneuver the layers into a level of displacement to make the tray-to-floor flight both possible and easily achieved.
Note: It is recommended to have someone at the ready to prevent full flight unless mopping and swabbing is a preferred pasttime.
Step 6: The BP eats the bear head...hey, why not, icing can't scream.
And then it's done. So there you have it. We hope this simple demonstration has been edifying and informative and we hope that now the next time you order/prepare/hear about a PB and their birthday cake, you'll know what to expect.

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