Sunday, May 16, 2010

Savory and Rustic

Sometimes, we like to be fancy here at TCC. The name of this pie makes people go ‘ooooh’ just when they hear it. They don’t have to know that it’s actually fairly simple! J We also decided to make it seem a little fancier, by creating individual rustic looking pies (again, SO easy!!)

Pie Crust- Use the basic pie crust that we taught you on the first day of pie month, BUT also add 4 oz. of herbed goat cheese when you are working in the butter (we found that working the butter in first to get almost to the corn meal state, and then adding the cheese made for a lovely crust… experiment and see what works best for you.)

Let the crust rest in the fridge while you are gathering other ingredients.

Ingredients (per individual pie):

3-4 stalks of asparagus- chopped into ½ inch pieces (remember don't use the very end of the stalk, it tends to be tough)
1-2 slices of Prosciutto
¼ cup caramelized onion slices (see notes for a great website to teach you how to caramelize your onions)
pie crust (each recipe of basic pie crust will yield 5-7 pies depending on how large you make them)
Salt and pepper to taste

preheat oven to 400.

Take a piece of pie crust dough just less than the size of your fist and roll it into a circle.

Lay the Proscuitto on top of the crust, then the asparagus, and top with the caramelized onions.

Fold the sides of the crust over until they just touch the sides of the filling (see picture).

Season to taste (you can even do this step at the end)

Bake for 15-20 minutes (until crust is golden brown).  Remove from oven and enjoy (no, really there's nothing else to it!!)


A great website for learning how to caramelize onions, find it here

After baking, take some crumbled goat cheese, and drizzle some olive oil over the pie (this step is completely unnecessary, but it makes it look kinda pretty!)

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