Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Check It Out -- Blue Sky Oil and Vinegar

So we have recently discovered a fun new shop in Chapel Hill that we wanted to share with you, Blue Sky Oil and Vinegar (  Their specialty, as you may have guessed, is flavored oils and vinegars and they have them ON TAP!  It's awesome. 

For those who are local, you can go around the room and sample each of the different types.  It was like being a kid in a grown-up candy shop.  For the oils, there is bread to dip and for the vinegars, just a little shot will do ya.  They provide water to cleanse your palate between savory sips.

For those who are not local, they have a listing on their website of all the different flavors, as well as recipes to use them in so make sure to check it out.

In the shop they offer a 4-sample set in addition to 200 mL and 375 mL bottles you can find online.  For our first foray, we got a Red Apple balsamic, a Tuscan Herb olive oil, a Cinnamon Pear balsamic, and a Picual (Chilean) olive oil, so be on the look-out for some new recipes.

If you aren't in the area, I would suggest going online to see if there is something similar near you.  It's a great way to branch out and try some new flavors and, if you're anything like us, get inspired to create something new in the kitchen.

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