Sunday, March 6, 2011

March Madness ACC Tribute -- GT Bee Sting

GA Tech Yellow Jackets play is played in March...March means spring...spring means means insects...insects that yellow jackets...yellow jackets are yellow and are bees...bees sting! 

Since spring also means light refreshing beverages it all came together in this special treat.  Now I know most of you are going to look at this and think I'm talking crazy (I am a crazy talker) and I thought the same thing when I was first introduced to this beverage, but WOW!  I was pleasantly surprised and hopefully you will be too.


Pabst Blue Ribbon or Budweiser
Fresh lemon

Mix equal parts beer and lemonade in a glass.  Swish together, squeeze a bit of fresh lemon in and garnish glass with lemon slices.  You can also make it by the pitcher for easier mass serving.

Mmmm-aaaaaahhhhh.  Refreshing.


You don't want to use a fancy pants beer with this recipe.  Too much taste in your beer will dilute the power of the lemonade and rob it of it's "light" refreshingnesss...though, as always, feel free to experiment, maybe you'll discover something better.

GA Tech is experiencing a "light" season, unburdened by many wins this year.  And their fans probably find it refreshing that they did manage to nab an elusive road win over Wake Forest on March 3.  Congratulations Yellow Jackets!  (I don't really know much more about GA Tech other than they have a decent football team and are located in Georgia.)

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