Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Koolin' Off with Kahlua

And yet another couple blasts from the past (though this time not from the so-distant past).  Though I'd try out a few recipes from my "Kahlua®: Eat, Drink and Be Merry. A Guide to Food & Entertaining" (1997).

Summer is definitely the time to experiment with exotic beverages and here are a couple of Kahlua combos I'd never thought to put together before.  Please be assured that all of them have been taste-tested and k2-approved. (Please excuse any typos from this point forward.)

Kahlua Kookaracha
(in the tall thin shot glass)

3/4 oz. Kahlua
1/4 oz. Two Fingers Tequila

Fill shot glass with Kahlua and tequila. Garnish glass with gummy worms.  Bombs away! (Their words, not mine.)

I didn't have Two Fingers on hand so substituted Hornito Agave Tequila.  I don't think it matters what brand you use (this was a promo books so there was probably some inter-brand back-scratching going on).  Just pick your fave and run with it. Oh, and I forwent the worms (yes, Ducky, "forwent") because...well, ick.  It seemed to work just fine without them.

Kahlua Sunset
(in the black and gold shot glass)

1/2 oz. Kahlua
1 1/2 oz. run
6 oz. orange juice

Pour over crushed ice.

Okay you've probably realized that the glass in the photo is not 8 oz., but I wanted to use this glass for the photo, oh, and I didn't have ice because I don't keep ice in the freezer.  I don't like cubed ice, I like crushed ice and my fridge doesn't make it...but this would be great with crushed ice...if I had any (I really love crushed ice).  As always, I used Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum.  This was my favorite of the three.

Kahlua Colorado Bulldog
(in the long-stemmed cocktail glass)

1 1/2 oz. Kahlua
4 oz. cream

Pour Kahlua and cream over ice. Add a splash of cola. Stir briefly. Wild!

Again, didn't use the right sized glass when photographing (had drank the other part to make it fit) or ice (see sad story above) and I don't know what this drink has to do with Colorado or Bulldogs, but it's really GOOD!  I used heavy cream and Coke for mixing it up and though I wasn't sure about the cream-cola combo, it ended up tasting like a fizzy White Russion (and I do love me some White Russians, almost as much as crushed ice).

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