Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ravioli a Panna con Piselli e Pancetta

I've had this panna (cream sauce) recipe forever, so long that I don't even remember where I got it from, but it's in my oldest, most food-stained, hand-written cookbook which means it's good.  But I didn't want it to just be good so I decided to take it and make it even better for you.

It's pretty simple...not low-cal...but taste-tastic!  I was inspired by the Philadelphia Cream Cheese sauces that are now out on the market.  Added some cream cheese to my original recipe to give it more body and a little richer taste.  Threw in some wee green peas, some crispy bacon action, tossed it on my current favorite ravioli (a food girl likes to change her mind), and voila dinner! 

Buon appetito!

Ravioli a Panna con Piselli e Pancetta
Ravioli in Cream Sauce with Peas and Bacon

4 tbsp (1/2 stick) butter
1 tsp flour
1/4 cup half-n-half (or other light cream)
4 tbsp (2 oz) cream cheese
1/2 cup frozen green peas, thawed
2 slices bacon, cooked and chopped
garlic salt and fresh cracked black pepper, to taste
ravioli (pre-made)

Prepare ravioli like you usually would.  You can use whatever type of pasta you'd like for this dish, but ravioli or tortellini make a nice companion for the sauce.

Melt butter over medium heat. 

When butter is melted, whisk in flour and half-n-half, blend well.  Reduce heat to low.

Add in cream cheese and whisk until blended.

If sauce separated (butter refuses to get along with cream cheese), then whisk briskly (trying saying that five times fast) until they blend together.  Remove from heat while you prepare the other ingredients.

not friends
now friends

Meanwhile, fry up the bacon strips in a nearby skillet.  Once they have reached a nice crispy state, remove from skillet, allow to drain on a paper towel, then chop into small bits.

Add bacon bits and thawed green peas to the sauce, mix well. I popped my frozen peas in the microwave for 40 seconds on high to thaw them.  Drain if necessary.

Add in fresh cracked black pepper and a dash or two of garlic salt to taste. The bacon will provide a good deal of salt to the mix already, but adjust to suit your taste.

Once the ravioli is ready, pour you sauce over and coat well.  Serve up a dish, sprinkle with parm and you're all set.


My current favorite ravioli is Chicken with Ricotta.

I used turkey bacon (for allergy reasons), but you can use pork bacon or pretend bacon or whatever you'd like.

You could also add garlic or finely chopped sauteed onions to the sauce.  I like my food pretty simple actually, but either (or both) would make a great addition to the mix.

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