Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tailgate Treats & Eats: Fresh "Pickles"

Okay, food fans, been a long day so I'm going to toss you something SUPER SIMPLE (but simply tasty too).

I love cucumbers.  I love vinegar.  I love them even better together.

Fresh "Pickles"

2 small cucumbers
1-1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 tsp herb or spice

Peel and slice the cucumbers.

You want the slices to be thin enough to lay on a burger or chicken filet sandwich but thick enough to hold it's own.  I peel the cucumbers because the peel can be rather bitter.

Put the slices in a glass jar and pour the vinegar over.

I used a combination of white vinegar and white balsamic vinegar because I like the slighty sweet edge that white balsamic has.

Sprinkle in your herb or spice and mix well.

I used dill weed, but you could add crushed coridander seed or fresh ginger slices too.  Experiment and see what you come up with.

Cover and store in the fridge for at least 12 hours. 

The "pickles" will tart and crunchy, with a nice fresh taste to them.  Great for snacking or sandwich enhancement.

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