Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Horray for the Red, White and Blue Berries!

Looking for something splashy and fun to serve up at your upcoming Fourth of July celebration?  I saw a photo of these and thought I'd give them a whirl because you know how much I love dipping things in chocolate.

Pretty easy, pretty tasty, and pretty darned cute to boot.

Red, White and Blue Berries

1 qt fresh strawberries, room temp
2 blocks white melting chocolate
blue sugar

Wash and dry your strawberries thoroughly.  You want to make sure there is no extra moisture because it will make your berries sweat.

In a small saucepan over low heat, melt your white chocolate until smooth.  Pour the colored sugar into a small bowl.

Carefully dip the strawberries (with their little green hats still on) 2/3 into the chocolate.  Shake off any excess chocolate.

Then carefully dip the bottom 1/3 of the strawberry into the blue sugar.

Set on wax paper and allow the candy to set completely.


I thought about coloring my own sugar, but I would have to use a lot of blue to get the depth of color you get from pre-blued sugar.  Make your life easier and just buy the blue.

Most packs of candy coating chocolate comes in 8 large blocks.  Sometimes the blocks have a breaking mark down the middle (making a total of 16 sections). You want to use 2 of the larger block pieces.

You'll want to store the berries at room temperature.  The best thing to do is make and consume these on the same day.  If you store them in the fridge, when you take them out and they sit out at room temp, they will sweat and your sugar will run, but I found even storing them in an airtight container overnight make the sugar bleed a bit.  Somehow, though, I don't think leftovers will really be an issue with these so the point above may be moot.

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