Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The No-Post Post

Howdy all!  Just a little heads up I will not being presenting a regular recipe or FYI post this evening.  I know, boooo (and not in a ghosty way).

But I have a great excuse.  Had a little B&E issue at home last night (and I'm not talking Bacon & Eggs).  On the bright side, none of my kitchen stuff was touched.  On the not so bright side, my trusty camera was one of the crime casualties.
So since I am tied up today trying to make things once again copacetic in the world of K2, I hope you will give me a pass and in return I make promises of good fun Halloween-related stuff to come.

Be good, be safe and I will post at you again this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I hope you're okay. Totally sucks. Got your gift...Made me smile. Miss you lots. Take care and be safe.
