Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Itty Bitty Minty Bites

Looking for something quick(ish) and easy(ish) to throw together for a holiday party?  Here's something fun and cute and yummy.  Be warned though -- HIGHLY addictive!

Itty Bitty Minty Bites

Hershey's Mint Truffle Kisses
Synder's Butter Snaps pretzels
Colored nonpareil sprinkles

Preheat over to 350 degrees.

Lay pretzels out on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Or wax paper in a pinch.

Unwrap kisses and place one on each pretzel.

Put cookie sheet in the oven for 1 minute.  No more, no less.

Remove immediately and gently press another pretzel onto of each of the mooshy kisses.

Sprinkle spinkles on each.  Make sure to get it in all the little pretzel holes.

Put cookie sheet in the fridge for 20-25 minutes until the chocolate is firmed up.

Then start popping them in your face...or share them with others if you really feel you need to.


I used Mint Truffles Kisses, but you could do this with any of the flavor-filled kisses that Hershey's makes.

One bag of kisses makes about 5 dozen Itty Bitty Minty Bites.

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