Sunday, December 30, 2012

Spicy Turkey Buns

In anticipation of New Year's, here's a warm snack that's a handful of spicy goodness.  Easy and filling, great for a night of celebration.

Spicy Turkey Buns

2 tbsp low sodium soy sauce
1 tbsp warm water
1/2 tsp cornstarch
1 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1/4 tsp five spice powder*
1 tbsp water
1 egg
1/2 lb ground turkey
2 tsp minced garlic
1/8 cup minced green onion (optional)
1 (8 ct) pkg refrigerated biscuits

In a measuring cup or small bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, water and cornstarch until smooth. Stir in the curry powder, red pepper flakes and five spice powder, mixing well.  Set aside.

Whisk together the water and egg until well-blended.  Set aside.

Brown the ground turkey with the minced garlic over medium high heat until it is cooked through, then drop the heat to low.

Add the spice mixture to the skillet and cook, stirring, for an additional minute until the turkey is evenly coated.  Stir in green onions.  Remove from heat and set aside.

Open the biscuits and place them, individually, between two sheets of wax paper. Gently roll them out until they half their original size.

Spoon a small heap of the spiced turkey into the center of each biscuit.  Fold over one end to form a half circle and pinch the edges closed.

Place the half-buns on a lightly greased (or parchment-covered) cookie sheet. Brush the tops of each with the egg wash.

Bake at 400 degrees for 10-11 minutes or until lightly browned.

Can be served warm or at room temperature.


*Five spice powder is a Chinese spice blend that you can find in most grocery stores in the specialty spice area.

You can substitute your ground meat or use the Morning Star Grillers (vegetarian) instead of turkey.

If you want a less bready bun, split the biscuit in half (separate the layers) before you roll them out. Additionally it will double your bun production. :)

I made a Asian Mayo to dip mine in -- a mixture of soy sauce, mayo and lemon juice to taste.

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