Sunday, March 2, 2014

Parsnip-Almond Chocolates

Okay, so who's an evil culinary genius...ah, that would be me.  You may be cringing a bit at the idea of parsnip-almond chocolates, but SUCCESS!  I think they are delish! 

Parsnip-Almond Chocolates

3/4 cup grated parboiled parsnips
1/2 cup almond slices, food processed fine
2 tsp. sweetened condensed milk
3/4 cup dark chocolate, melted

Cook a parsnip until fork tender.  I cut a large parsnip into large pieces and cooked them on high for 4-5 minutes.

Once the parsnips are cooked, allow to cool to room temperature before grating. 

I used almond slices instead of whole almonds to process because it took less time and I was able to get them into smaller pieces quicker since they were already sliced.

In a bowl, mix together the grated parsnips, almond crumbs, and condensed milk.  Once mixed, chill the mixture until ready to roll.

In a small pan over low heat, melt your chocolate pieces.

Remove mixture from fridge and roll into 1" balls.  Put back in the fridge to firm up.

Dip the balls in the chocolate, coating them thoroughly and set on a piece of waxed paper.

Once all the balls are coated, put back in the fridge and allow the chocolate to set.

Remove from fridge and impress yourself, wow your friends, and the blow the minds of total strangers. :D

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